When protecting sensitive information is critical to your success, the OSCOR provides the most reliable and cost effective capability in the industry, including detection of sophisticated transmitters (frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum). OSCOR is a complete eavesdropping detection package that is portable and programmable.
OSCOR is a microprocessor controlled countersurveillance system with a custom designed built-in spectrum analyzer that can operate automatically storing all encountered signals and spectrum traces in memory for later review and comparison. Designed to detect all major types of audio and video RF transmitters (even frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum), including carrier current and infrared.
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When protecting sensitive information is critical to your success, the OSCOR provides the most reliable and cost effective capability in the industry, including detection of sophisticated transmitters (frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum). OSCOR is a complete eavesdropping detection package that is portable and programmable.
When protecting sensitive information is critical to your success, the OSCOR provides the mo st reliable and cost effective capability in the industry, including detection of sophisticated transmitters (frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum). OSCOR is a complete eavesdropping detection package that is portable and programmable.
OSCOR is a microprocessor controlled countersurveillance system with a custom designed built-in spectrum analyzer that can operate automatically storing all encountered signals and spectrum traces in memory for later review and comparison. Designed to detect all major types of audio and video RF transmitters (even frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum), including carrier current and infrared. The OSCOR is the industry standard in TSCM equipment.
OSCOR PC Software for enhanced spectrum analysis, storing signal and trace databases, and spectrum comparisons including RF mapping, provides the capability for permanent profiles of sweep environments and the ability to generate reports and graphs.
Automatic Threat Correlation. The patented OSCOR correlator provides signal classification by correlating the demodulated audio of a received signal to the ambient noises of an environment.
Automatic Signal and Trace Scanning and Logging. Only the OSCOR provides an automatic solution to rapidly logging and classifying all the signals of your environment. A quick reference guide provides a single chart that completely defines the programming process.
Built-in automatically switched antenna array. Foldout antenna panel automatically selects the proper antenna with no connections required. Pre-amp provides maximum sensitivity for the proper input. No un-reliable cable connections or mismatched antenna inputs.
Sonic ranging and triangulation to pinpoint bug locations. Using the Patented Threat Locating System, a bugging device can be readily found with no destructive searches. The Triangulate and Locate option uses sonic ranging to locate a threatening microphone.
The OSCOR provides detailed signal analysis capabilities with a complete built-in suite of audio demodulators and IF bandwidth selections. The audio demodulators include FM wideband, FM narrowband, AM wideband, AM narrowband, Sub-carrier, Single Sideband, and IF bandwidths 250 kHz, 15 kHz, and 6 kHz.
Built-in video monitors display images received on transmitted signals for protection against covert video transmitters. Supported video formats include NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. This feature is not included in the basic unit.
Built-in printer for hard-copy printouts. The OSCOR built-in thermal printer provides a user with the ability to generate printouts of important sweep data.
Removable Program chip for ease of upgrading software. When a new OSCOR upgrade comes out, simply contact REI to request a new program key.
PC Interface and Remote Control of the OSCOR. The OSCOR PC interface software provides the capability to create permanent database profiles of sweep environments, generate professional reports and graphs.
OIF & OBB - Optional IF interface and Base Band:
The OIF interface provides an external RF port with output from the 10.7MH Intermediate Frequency in the OSCOR. Using the OIF port, a signal can be fed from the OSCOR into other types of test equipment to further analyze the signal (i.e. an external spectrum analyzer that may have digital demodulation capabilities, an oscilloscope for further time-domain analysis, or into an analog CRT type display. The Base Band interface provides an additional RF port taking the signal directly out of the demodulation circuit, with 250hKz bandwidth and can be used to feed a signal into an oscilloscope to perform FFT analysis to look for sub-carrier type signals (the OSCOR provides some sub-carrier capabilities, but this function provides better capabilities).
OSC-5000 Advantages
OPC Software now included, providing the ability for enhanced spectrum analysis including the ability to store, retrieve, analyze, and compare signals and traces for quick detection of the most sophisticated eavesdropping transmitters. The software also provides the capability to remote control of an OSCOR across a network or VPN for remote monitoring purposes.
Portable complete package of countersurveillance test equipment. Complete unit is the size of a large brief case and can be easily carried on a plane, bus, or car as hand-carry luggage.
Programmable Automatic Mode that continuously scans all bands and silently detects eavesdropping devices. The OSCOR can be used around the clock to monitor an environment without an operator present.
High Sensitivity Digital Synthesized Receiver scans Radio Frequency (10KHz to 3GHz),carrier current (10KHz to 5 MHz) including and infrared (850nm to 1070nm / 10KHz to 5 MHz).
Built-in Demodulators and Bandwidths: Demodulators include AM, FM, SSB, Sub-carrier, and video(available as an option). IF bandwidths are built-in and programmable and include 6Khz, 15KHz, and 250Khz.
Antenna Array: All OSCOR input antenna's are built into the case and are automatically switched.
Acoustic Correlator utilizes passive sound pattern matching to automatically detect and classify a listening device even when the OSCOR is running automatically (un-manned).
Strip Chart Plotter built-in the OSCOR to provide hard-copies of spectrum profiles, signal database information, correlation printouts, etc.. Printer functions as WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) operation by printing any information that is displayed on the screen.
Video Receive and Display Capability. Optional feature provides ability to receive NTSC, PAL, and SECAM video formats to provide detection of transmitted video signals including covert chip cameras that are increasingly proliferated.
Triangulation and Location System. Patented system that allows the user to pin-point the location of an eavesdropping device without the need for destructive and time consuming searches.
RF System:
RF Receiver Type: Quad Conversion Super Heterodyne with 3 phase locked loop synthesizers
RF Frequency Coverage: 10kHz-3GHz
Tuning Resolution: 100Hz
Sensitivity: 0.8µV typical with 15kHz Bandwidth (+15dBm MAX)
Demodulators: AM, FM Wide, FM Narrow. FM SC, SSB/CW
IF Bandwidth: 250kHz, 15kHz, 6kHz
Attenuators: 0, -20dB at active whip, Discone, and VLF-MF input
Dynamic Range: 90dB
Subcarrier Tuning Range: 15kHz-250kHz
Antenna Types: Balanced Loop 10kHz-500kHz (35-45kHz Narrow)
Active Whip: 500kHz-1500MHz
Discone: 1500MHz-3000MHz
Infrared Detector: 10kHz-5MHz, 850-1070nM
AC Carrier Current: 10kHz-5MHz (Balanced Across Power Line)
Control System:
8/16 Bit Microcontroller
512K Static RAM Memory
Optical Encoder: 128 Pulse/Rev with variable count ratio
Program Key: 256K Byte ROM
Display: 128 x 256 Segment Graphics Supertwist LCD
Printer: 192 Dot Per Line Graphics on 2" wide thermal paper
Audio System:
Frequency Response: 50Hz-15kHz
Voiceband Filter: 300Hz-3000Hz -18dB/Octave
AGC Dynamic Range: 60dB
Output Power: 3W @ 4
Headphone Output: 0-2V rms @ 220
Record Output: 50mV rms (with AGC) @ 500
Remote contact: Normally Open (200mA 32V MAX)
Balanced Auxiliary Input: 0.5V rms Nominal @ 600
Reference Audio Input: 1mV - 1V rms @ 3.9K
Sonic Correlator: 50Hz - 15kHz (Frequency Independent)
Audio Alarm: 3 Level Programmable Two Tone Ringer
Squelch: Automatic digital or manual control over full display range
Headphones: Low acoustic leakage, output limited to 105dBA
Power System:
AC Input: 105-130/210-260VAC, 50-60Hz, 24W
External DC Input: 12-l8VDC, 1A max
Internal Battery: 12.6V, 2.9 Ah 3 hour operation per charge typical
Size(HxWxD): 6.25 x 18.5 x 14.5 in (47 x 36.8 x 15.9 cm)
Weight: 24 lb. (11 kg)
NOTE: The micro cassette recorder previously included in the OSCOR accessory tray is discontinued and is no longer included with the OSCOR. The functionality to record received audio from a signal to an external recording device remains, however the micro cassette recorder is no longer included.
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